UPDATE~!!New update for the band camp thing!!
Yeahhh..~~~!!Finally can update le!!wahahahahas.
Haiyo..all because my stupid com lar..dunnoe why cannot update one sia..okay nvm..now i finally can update le!!
BAND CAMP finally over le~!!~hohoho..i am free now!!yohoo..~~!!hahas.
Band camp is really a very tough camp sia..haix..everyday have to do physical training sia..
That time have to run 20 rounds at the parade square because is a punishment given by mr yeo..haiyo..run till siao lar..then i forgotten to count!!Wth..run until blur blur sia..gd lar..sec 1 only need to run 10 rounds,then sec 2 have to run 20 rounds while the sec 3 very de ke lian sia..have to run 30 ROUNDS!!sad.sad.
Have band practice again..haix..have to play incantation and dance..play until i really hate this music le lar..the stupid running notes also!!MAKES ME CRAZY lar..argh!!but have to really workhard for it man!!we WANNA get at least a GOLD okay~!!Pirates of carribean is a really nice song!!i love that song okay!!HA!!i think i prefer sunrise then incantation and dance lar..sunrise='mua mua mua chi~!!'Wahahahas.
We also do formation too~!!hahas.although i was with my bassoon section separated,i quite happy that i stay with horn section.But i quite odd leh..haix..sad.sad.i think the formation was quite cool huh!!
Treasure hunt not really that fun lar..while also is not scary at all..haix..dunnoe why some of them so scared lar..BUT i am damn scared of insects at night!!i almost step on a toad lar..then suddenly a lizard pass by me lar..!!wa..damn scary you know!!haiyo..sorry lar..~!!i very timid one lar~hahas.
I remember that after eating breakfast,we have to fall in at the parade square with our water bottles..then i ask carol whether who take the music room key because my bottle is inside..then haix..i fall in with no water bottle..then i drink 1 time of the full water bottle filled,mr yeo never see i drink it lar..then i have to drink another time to let him see!!wa..you know what!!you have already eat the breakfast damn full lar..then drink one whole bottle of water,while have to drink another bottle of water!!wth..that time i really gonna vomit lar..while i drinking the second time of my water,i gonna cried out le lar..you know is really damn disgusting when you are really damn full while you have to drink 2 TIMES full filled with water bottle lar..mummy~!!after drinking finish i never talk much because i scared i vomit out lar..haiyo.
Everytime i am the last one who shower..haix..sleep that time i really miss my bed sia..Alamak!!i always tell myself that only left few more days,endure very fast can go back home sleep till i siao liao.hahas.
I always try to sleep during the band prac time!!HA!!sorry lar~not enough sleep have to sleep for a while.hide behind the stand there to sleep!!wahahahas.i remember that time tuning,i was hiding behind my stand trying to sleep,then till our section turn,i was like very blur blur tuning lar..i never enough listen whether i play till got wave or not,then i only have to try 2 times and he say next lar..hahas.i was like Really~?!so fast?!i thought i will tune until very long lar..hahas.smart huh me!!
Everyday eat chicken for lunch and dinner lar!!wa..damn scared of chicken liao le lar..haiyo!!imagine everyday eat the same food..erm i mean chicken rice lar..for me i will think is really damn disgusting and sick of it!!
Japan primary school do formation is really do much more better then us lar..i think we was horrible sia..so pai sei lar..a primary school marching band do much more better then a secondary school marching band lik us..haix..ke lian..pai sei,pai sei.
Mr yeo game is quite fun lar..especially the last game,it is to see how long we can make using our body things!!hahas.coconut is the longest!!actually we still wan the guys to take off their clothes out de..but hahas i dun think can~!!the first game is the ball game,then our group coconut thought that is see the highest score that we can make then record it down but is not lar..is see the last score that we can make it!!wa..cheat our feeling sia..we only got 3 hit!!wa..pai sei sia..hahas.nvm is just a game.the second game is the newspaper game!!is also fun too!!everybody must try to fit inside the newspaper!!hahas.we can only fold 3 times but we already quite good le!!
Our coconut performance is also quite good lar..although everybody is very nervous,we did it!!hahas.i do alot of thing wrong lar..hahas.sorry~!!
Qinyuan come for ROD but Catherine never come sia..haix..sad..we took quite alot of pictures with quack!!we will miss you de!!come back often okay?!hahas.
Although this band camp coconut never win,we are still the best group in our mind okay?!
Ziyaad!!you are the best okay!!you can shout until very loud de..!!
Syibli!!you are the prettiest guy in this world okay!!
Darylene!!you are the most enthu in our group!!sad that your voice..hahas.okok i dun talk about that okay!!
Huldah!!you are good leader!!
Madeline!!you rawks okay!!
Dayna!!you are helpful!!
Zi Ning!!you are soo cute!!
Jasper!!you are smart!!
Halim!!are you sad that u cannot do a girl?!hahas.okok.u are smart during the treasure hunt time!!
Helmizar!!you are crazy while a joker too!!
Luoshi!!you are so good lar..so helpful!!thank babe!!
Love my group okay!!
Love my bed too much le!!hahas.
Haiyo..all because my stupid com lar..dunnoe why cannot update one sia..okay nvm..now i finally can update le!!
BAND CAMP finally over le~!!~hohoho..i am free now!!yohoo..~~!!hahas.
Band camp is really a very tough camp sia..haix..everyday have to do physical training sia..
That time have to run 20 rounds at the parade square because is a punishment given by mr yeo..haiyo..run till siao lar..then i forgotten to count!!Wth..run until blur blur sia..gd lar..sec 1 only need to run 10 rounds,then sec 2 have to run 20 rounds while the sec 3 very de ke lian sia..have to run 30 ROUNDS!!sad.sad.
Have band practice again..haix..have to play incantation and dance..play until i really hate this music le lar..the stupid running notes also!!MAKES ME CRAZY lar..argh!!but have to really workhard for it man!!we WANNA get at least a GOLD okay~!!Pirates of carribean is a really nice song!!i love that song okay!!HA!!i think i prefer sunrise then incantation and dance lar..sunrise='mua mua mua chi~!!'Wahahahas.
We also do formation too~!!hahas.although i was with my bassoon section separated,i quite happy that i stay with horn section.But i quite odd leh..haix..sad.sad.i think the formation was quite cool huh!!
Treasure hunt not really that fun lar..while also is not scary at all..haix..dunnoe why some of them so scared lar..BUT i am damn scared of insects at night!!i almost step on a toad lar..then suddenly a lizard pass by me lar..!!wa..damn scary you know!!haiyo..sorry lar..~!!i very timid one lar~hahas.
I remember that after eating breakfast,we have to fall in at the parade square with our water bottles..then i ask carol whether who take the music room key because my bottle is inside..then haix..i fall in with no water bottle..then i drink 1 time of the full water bottle filled,mr yeo never see i drink it lar..then i have to drink another time to let him see!!wa..you know what!!you have already eat the breakfast damn full lar..then drink one whole bottle of water,while have to drink another bottle of water!!wth..that time i really gonna vomit lar..while i drinking the second time of my water,i gonna cried out le lar..you know is really damn disgusting when you are really damn full while you have to drink 2 TIMES full filled with water bottle lar..mummy~!!after drinking finish i never talk much because i scared i vomit out lar..haiyo.
Everytime i am the last one who shower..haix..sleep that time i really miss my bed sia..Alamak!!i always tell myself that only left few more days,endure very fast can go back home sleep till i siao liao.hahas.
I always try to sleep during the band prac time!!HA!!sorry lar~not enough sleep have to sleep for a while.hide behind the stand there to sleep!!wahahahas.i remember that time tuning,i was hiding behind my stand trying to sleep,then till our section turn,i was like very blur blur tuning lar..i never enough listen whether i play till got wave or not,then i only have to try 2 times and he say next lar..hahas.i was like Really~?!so fast?!i thought i will tune until very long lar..hahas.smart huh me!!
Everyday eat chicken for lunch and dinner lar!!wa..damn scared of chicken liao le lar..haiyo!!imagine everyday eat the same food..erm i mean chicken rice lar..for me i will think is really damn disgusting and sick of it!!
Japan primary school do formation is really do much more better then us lar..i think we was horrible sia..so pai sei lar..a primary school marching band do much more better then a secondary school marching band lik us..haix..ke lian..pai sei,pai sei.
Mr yeo game is quite fun lar..especially the last game,it is to see how long we can make using our body things!!hahas.coconut is the longest!!actually we still wan the guys to take off their clothes out de..but hahas i dun think can~!!the first game is the ball game,then our group coconut thought that is see the highest score that we can make then record it down but is not lar..is see the last score that we can make it!!wa..cheat our feeling sia..we only got 3 hit!!wa..pai sei sia..hahas.nvm is just a game.the second game is the newspaper game!!is also fun too!!everybody must try to fit inside the newspaper!!hahas.we can only fold 3 times but we already quite good le!!
Our coconut performance is also quite good lar..although everybody is very nervous,we did it!!hahas.i do alot of thing wrong lar..hahas.sorry~!!
Qinyuan come for ROD but Catherine never come sia..haix..sad..we took quite alot of pictures with quack!!we will miss you de!!come back often okay?!hahas.
Although this band camp coconut never win,we are still the best group in our mind okay?!
Ziyaad!!you are the best okay!!you can shout until very loud de..!!
Syibli!!you are the prettiest guy in this world okay!!
Darylene!!you are the most enthu in our group!!sad that your voice..hahas.okok i dun talk about that okay!!
Huldah!!you are good leader!!
Madeline!!you rawks okay!!
Dayna!!you are helpful!!
Zi Ning!!you are soo cute!!
Jasper!!you are smart!!
Halim!!are you sad that u cannot do a girl?!hahas.okok.u are smart during the treasure hunt time!!
Helmizar!!you are crazy while a joker too!!
Luoshi!!you are so good lar..so helpful!!thank babe!!
Love my group okay!!
Love my bed too much le!!hahas.
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