Phots at clubhouse(:
Studying for our A-maths plus sherry de Food and Nutrition.
Sherry stop telling us that teenager can only eat till 2000+ kcal okay..~!we know it okay?!
A-maths only study for a while then vanessa started the photo taking lo..haiyo.always like this de,dunnoe how to change them..
Taking pitures at clubhouse also quite fun lar..
Haha..happy ending.
Destress trip!!(:
funny shot.

Today is maths paper 2,i think i m failing my maths for sure.
Haiyo.the paper damn difficult lar..didn't study maths and quite alot of subjects too,because i do not have mood to study at all.
I feel that i m flying after doin the maths paper 2.haha.
We decided to go destress~!!simin and i change our tution because we do not have any mood or energy to study A maths.we like very naughty huh.?!YES WE ARE~!!HA.
Go towning..on the 190 bus,sherry and samantha quarrel again..i remember that sherry said,'she is south i m north.'.then the quarrel start quite stupidly.ha.yup.
i love the chicken rice at far east plaza!i think this is the first time to eat our lucnh till so fast.haha.normally we will chat while eating but we didn't,we are concentraing on our food!hungry ghost.(:
We met jojo,cassy,qinqin and jean!!haha.singapore is damny small okay>?!
Simin Dental appointment is damn fun too!we took alot of photos.
Come on samantha,vanessa is just being irritating lar..be happy!!stop playing catching in MRT okay?!is difficult to find you.!
Go AMK hub walkwalk..go the new NTUC(i thought aunty go NTUC one?!).haha.yes we are aunty~!
Wa..after goin for so many places we are damn tired..leggy damn pain.but is fun.!
drawn by me!!cute?!hahas.(:

This picture is drawn by me.When i was conversation with Teosimin,dunnoe why i will draw this picture.but i think is quite cute.!although is abit hmm..haha.
Teosimin,thanks for helping me to do huh.since you take time to do,i post it right here to let you see.i dun waste your effort.(:
I really wan june hoilday to come.planning to do quite alot of things..have to save money plus on diet!HA.
June hoilday i m coming~!!Birthday coming too but is on the first day of school reopen!!argh!!angry sia..
MYExamination started during 30/4!!
I haven't even start studying one of my subjects.
I think i gonna fail all my subjects..hmm..like english,sub science and ss.haha.hopeless:)
Well..i dun wan to stress myself to study but i would rather sleep than studying.
But nvm,we still got the time to burn midnight oil!!wahahahas.
Planning to go where during hoildays~woohoo!
Wanna work,tanning,shopping and bbqing.cool~~
Feel damn excited after exam but i feel damn stress during exam periods.haiyo~
Studyhard for exams bah..i damn scared i 'kana' retain.wa..nightmare please.
Nvm..MYExam results,i think i will be the last few of my class girls result.
Hope that i will not be the one.
Goodluck.And celebrate after exam!!yohooo~~!!(:
I haven't even start studying one of my subjects.
I think i gonna fail all my subjects..hmm..like english,sub science and ss.haha.hopeless:)
Well..i dun wan to stress myself to study but i would rather sleep than studying.
But nvm,we still got the time to burn midnight oil!!wahahahas.
Planning to go where during hoildays~woohoo!
Wanna work,tanning,shopping and bbqing.cool~~
Feel damn excited after exam but i feel damn stress during exam periods.haiyo~
Studyhard for exams bah..i damn scared i 'kana' retain.wa..nightmare please.
Nvm..MYExam results,i think i will be the last few of my class girls result.
Hope that i will not be the one.
Goodluck.And celebrate after exam!!yohooo~~!!(:
I want to be MYSELF!: May 2007